Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Georgia Why?

Ok, so I have at times thought that I should have a soundtrack for my life; no I'm not that narcisitic... But, have you ever been in a mood where you have no words to express how you are feeling? I've been in a mood like that alot lately... Sometimes my words won't do but lyricists and musicians always seem to have the ones I need.

The Song of the Day is "Why Georgia Why" by John Mayer

This is a fairly introspective song and for that reason alone its fitting for how I feel today and have been feeling for awhile. I didn't get into school... And aside from being a major blow to my ego and throwing all of my plans for the near and distant future into a tailspin, this sudden and I must admit unforseen turn of events has left me with nothing productive to do but let tv melt my brain, read, or while away the hours pondering my meager and wholly disappointing existence (hence the blog). I've been asking myself 'why' alot lately. And maybe like John says this "might be a quarter-life crisis or just a stirring in my soul, either way I wonder about the outcome." Maybe I wouldn't wonder about the outcome so much if I could find a freaking job. Maybe I could find a freaking job if I wasnt always thinking three steps ahead instead of focusing on the present... Well my Grandma and John Mayer agree on one thing- Everything happens for a reason. I'm still on the fence on the that one, even though I hope with all my heart that its true. In any case I will continue to ask myself if I am living my life 'right?' what is right to me? what do I want? where do I want to go?There is loneliness in uncertainty, but there is truth in it as well. The one thing I can be certain about is that change and therefore uncertainty are constants... Might as well make them friends if they're gonna be around all the time.


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